
Archers Wood, Delgany

Client:   Cairn PLC

Contractor:   Barrett Mahoney Consulting Engineers (BMCE)

Architect:   BBA Architecture

Location:   Delgany, Wicklow

Balconies:   63 balcony lifts

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Delgany, a village in County Wicklow, Ireland, has a rich history that dates back centuries. Its name, derived from the Irish “Deilgne,” means “place of thorns,” reflecting the dense woodlands that once surrounded the area. In the past hundred years, Delgany has evolved into a sought-after residential area, balancing its historical charm with modern developments, such as this one at Archers Wood.

Streamlined by Innovation, Delivered by Sapphire

Cairn PLC set out with the aspiration to develop a replicable process for their balcony installations. Their vision was to create a balcony journey that was not only simple but could be consistently and successfully implemented across multiple projects. However, the scale of their ambitions highlighted a significant challenge: they lacked the necessary supply chain infrastructure to effectively scale up their operations to meet these aspirations.

Facing this challenge, Cairn recognized the need for expert guidance and a proven methodology that would enable them to achieve their goals. Without this, their ambitious plans for growth would be difficult to realize, as the complexity of the processes involved required a depth of understanding and experience that they did not yet possess.

At Sapphire, we were honoured to step in, bringing with us a wealth of experience and a core methodology that had been honed through years of successful projects. By offering detailed advice and demonstrating the intricacies of complex interfaces, we were able to streamline the Archers Wood project through experience. We provided clear explanations of why and how certain approaches had succeeded in the past, allowing Cairn to replicate these strategies effectively.

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Case Studies