
Modern Slavery & Human Rights Policy

Sapphire Balconies Ltd has clear standards on the protection of human rights in its supply chain. Our standards are derived from the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization.

We regularly review our standards against policies developed by industry associations and international law.

Wherever we work in the world, we respect and uphold the fundamental human rights and freedoms of everyone who works for us, with us, or lives in our local communities.

We never knowingly cause or contribute to any activity or relationship that violates human rights, either directly or indirectly, and we will address adverse human rights impacts if they occur. We therefore never use or work with anyone who uses forced, compulsory, illegal or child labour. As part of this, any form of human trafficking is not tolerated.

Modern slavery can occur and be found in all countries and industries, and we acknowledge there is a heightened risk with domestic and international migrant labour; contract, agency, and temporary workers; vulnerable populations (e.g. refugees); and young, or student workers.

Our suppliers: –

  • must not use forced labour – slave, prison, indentured, bonded, or otherwise.
  • must not traffic workers or in any other way exploit workers by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction, or fraud.
  • must not require its workers to pay recruitment, hiring, or other similar fees related to their employment

must not require workers to surrender government issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of working

We routinely evaluate our supply chain to understand the impact of relevant aspects of our business on human rights and working conditions.

We do this by carrying out supply chain audits, not only on immediate suppliers, but also on second tier suppliers. This will enable us to gain a better understanding of the needs and limitations of our suppliers.

To support this commitment:

  • We expect our suppliers to consistently monitor and enforce our standards in their own operations and supply chain, as well as make improvements to meet or exceed our expectations.
  • We work in partnership with our suppliers; if violations of our standards occur, we work with our suppliers to develop a corrective action plan that a) takes immediate actions to address high-risk issues, and b) a long-term plan to prevent reoccurrence.
  • Where suppliers fail to meet our standards, and refuse to make progress on remediating issues, we reserve the right to terminate the relationship.
  • We seek to create long-term partnerships with suppliers who align with our values and are committed to constantly improving conditions for workers.