
Vote Sapphire!

The general election is well underway and it’s time to address the elephant in the room – Sapphire is exactly what the United Kingdom’s residential construction industry needs at this pivotal moment.

Building a better balcony has been a labour of love for us since founding Sapphire in 1992.

We’re not conservative when sharing our values. In fact, we’ve discussed them openly this past year with publications like Decision Magazine, where Sapphire was noted as a shining example of good company values.

Liberal use of technology has been crucial for Sapphire over the years and we’re pledging to continue excelling in innovative design, balcony systems and installation technology, assisting us in achieving quality, sustainable balcony practices.

We should all be aware of green policies, adhering to Net Zero and Science-Based targets as best as we can. Our Vision 2030 sets out our ESG strategy and our vision to be leaders in the construction industry, driving sustainability and responsible practices.

Reform isn’t what we need when it comes to balcony design – in fact, it’s innovation that matters. Sapphire is making waves with the Next Generation balcony system, and we promise to keep innovating in the years to come.

It’s time for real change in the residential construction sector with Sapphire.

Our ‘Manifesto’

Sapphire isn’t a political party. In fact, the things that set us apart from a political party are exactly what make us perfect for your next development . Let’s take a moment to reflect on how Sapphire stands out in the often-tumultuous world of politics.

Here are the key differences that set us apart from the major political parties in 2024:

We hold ourselves accountable and champion transparency.

Are you tired of a lack of transparency within politics, decisions shrouded in political manoeuvring and rhetoric? With Sapphire, tire no longer. We operate with a high degree of transparency and take accountability seriously. You’ll be in the loop at every step of the process, making the balcony journey as streamlined as possible.

We embrace innovation over tradition.

Sapphire is dedicated to innovation in the residential construction market. We continuously seek new ways to improve our services and deliver cutting-edge solutions – whether it’s our Next Generation balcony system, our Remote Locker Device or our Clip-On® connection – we’re always looking forward to what’s next.

We centre the customer in our innovation – eschewing broad ‘electoral’ appeal.

Appealing to everyone can often lead to satisfying no one. Our innovations are driven by the needs of our customers, the needs of our developers and the needs of our architects. Driving specific innovations in each of their areas has led to top-class balcony design and seen truly sustainable improvements in the residential construction market.

We use evidence-based development, never ideological decision-making.

No matter where your political allegiance lies, data must lead the charge when making decisions. Our product development is based on tight engineering principles, adhering to ever-evolving industry standards and feedback from our customers.

We lead by our values – never giving them up.

Sapphire’s leadership is guided by our values, which we never compromise. This ensures our decisions and actions are aligned with our principles, driving our organisation forward with integrity and clear, cohesive goals.

We collaborate with our industry partners to improve standards.

Trying to outwit your opponents may work in a general election, but at Sapphire, we’re honoured to often collaborate with other companies in the construction industry to improve standards and practices and even on product innovation like the Clip-On® connection, seen used at the NE02 development in Wembley Park.

We focus on long-term successes, not short-term gains.

Sapphire is committed to long-term success. We build sustainable solutions that benefit our clients and communities for years to come, focusing on enduring progress rather than short-term wins.

We problem-solve proactively, not reactively.

Policymaking can often be reactive, responding to ongoing crises or public pressure. At Sapphire, we are pleased to be proactive. Our research and development team apply their ongoing learning to address potential issues through design innovation, making sure we’re always one step ahead of the curve.

We operate efficiently, putting bureaucracy to bed.

We’ve seen it plenty of times over. Bureaucracy can stall decision-making. At Sapphire, our design, manufacture, operations and supply are all streamlined by innovation for maximum efficiency, reducing lead times, improving productivity and making your balcony journey straightforward.

If we aren’t right for the job, we’ll tell you.

At the end of the day – honesty and transparency are core principles at Sapphire. We’ll always provide the best advice for your needs, even if it means acknowledging when we’re not the right fit for the job at hand.

The choice is clear.

A lighter balcony frame, reducing moment forces back to the building as low as 4kNm. A safer system from top to bottom, with A1 fire-rated anchors and bodywork. More possibilities for aesthetic design, balcony connections and more. A kinder method of balcony construction, with a 19% reduction in CO2 verified by our EPDs.

To the entire residential construction market, we say to you loud and clear –

Vote Sapphire!

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