
Fire Safety

Recommendations regarding fire safety on balconies in high rise residential blocks.

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Laminate glass and the cladding ban

This Whitepaper looks at laminate glass used in balconies and balustrades and how it is affected by the Combustible Cladding Ban.

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Inset balconies

Why and how to use aluminium rather than concrete?

The benefits of using Sapphire’s Glide-On balconies for insets

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Inset Balconies in Canada

This whitepaper aims to provide an overview of how inset balconies in Canada can be completed using a Glide-On system.

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Sustainability & Environment

Operations & Embodied Carbon – Whitepaper

Whitepaper exploring carbon-neutral construction of residential buildings and operational, and embodied carbon emissions of balconies.

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Minimising Balcony Heat Loss – Whitepaper

In high rise buildings, balcony connections are one of the biggest areas of potential thermal bridging when done incorrectly.

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Freeze-Thaw & Cold Weather Performance

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Balcony drainage

NZ: Leaky balconies and drainage – Whitepaper

This whitepaper identifies what you need to know to avoid drainage problems on your balconies

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UK: Understanding balcony drainage strategy and methods – Whitepaper

This document is intended to give an overview of the design philosophy behind the Sapphire drainage options.

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Balcony Drainage in Canada – Whitepaper

This whitepaper is an overview of the design philosophy behind the drainage options for balconies, as an aid to correct specification of balcony drainage in Canada.

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Balcony Design

How do you achieve wind mitigation with balcony guardings - Whitepaper

Effective wind mitigation on balcony guardings is crucial. This whitepaper addresses the industry’s challenges and priorities, offering clarity and consistency in solving these issues.

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BS8579 - Whitepaper

This BS8579 whitepaper has been created to explore the recommendations on drainage, fire, inclusivity and more, in the new British Standard.

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How to design the costs out of balconies - Whitepaper

Cost reduction does not have to mean you have to sacrifice some of the features that are important to hit budgets.

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Achieving an accessible balcony threshold

This whitepaper explores the requirements of different guidance and standards for accessible balconies.

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Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)

UK: How to connect balconies to unitised façade builds – Whitepaper

We have completed this whitepaper to provide the reader with a clear overview of aluminium unitised panels.

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Canada: Connecting balconies to unitised façades – Whitepaper

This whitepaper will explore how balconies can best connect with aluminium unitised panels.

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Navigating the Red Sea Crisis: A Deep Dive into Its Impact on Global Construction

Dive deeper into the Red Sea crisis and its comprehensive impact on the construction industry by downloading our exclusive whitepaper.

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Quality Control

Quality control with digital traceability in construction - Whitepaper

Who is responsible for traceability in the industry and is digital the solution?

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