
Park East, Erith

Client:   Wates (Residential South)

Contractor:   Wates (Residential South)

Architect:   ECD Architects Limited (Southwark), John Thompson & Partners Limited

Location:   Bexley, Keny

Balconies:   248 balcony lifts

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 “We’ve had a really good experience with Sapphire. Quality is good, we’ve had a good experience with them before and that’s why we’re using them again here.”

Project Manager, Wates Residential


Arthur Street in Erith represents a collaborative effort between Sapphire, Wates, and JTP Architects to create a residential development that not only adheres to the aspirations of the London Plan and the former London Housing Design Guide but also maximizes living quality for its residents. The project’s initial designs featured innovative corner balconies with integrated columns, aiming to offer residents expansive dual-aspect views that enhance the living experience within the urban landscape.

Streamlined by Innovation, Delivered by Sapphire

Understanding the complexities and potential cost implications of the initial design, Sapphire worked closely with Wates and JTP Architects from the early stages to refine and simplify the balcony construction process. The breakthrough came with the decision to design the balconies independently from the balcony columns. This strategic alteration allowed for all balcony components to be manufactured offsite, reducing the overlap on trades and streamlining the installation process without compromising the architectural intent of providing dual-aspect views.

This approach not only facilitated a reduction in design costs but also contributed to an improvement in thermal performance across the development. By simplifying the balcony design, Sapphire and the project team were able to implement an edge-drained approach to balcony drainage, further enhancing the efficiency and functionality of the outdoor spaces. This innovative drainage solution not only simplified the construction process but also ensured a clean and unobtrusive aesthetic for the balconies.

The Arthur Street project exemplifies how early collaboration and innovative thinking can lead to significant improvements in design efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall building performance. Sapphire’s involvement was instrumental in transforming the balcony design to be more manufacturable while still achieving the desired architectural outcomes. This project stands as a testament to the value of integrating offsite manufacturing techniques with thoughtful architectural design, resulting in a development that offers enhanced living spaces and views for its residents within the evolving urban context of Erith.

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